
Showing posts from February, 2023

My post at VV on Bloom and The Closing

An essay I wrote on The Closing of the American Mind just posted today at VogelinView . Thanks to Paul Krause and the VV. Here’s an excerpt: The Closing of the American Mind is erudite and witty but its message is apalling. Dressed up to look like conservatism on the outside, it is far from it on the inside – like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. … [Bloom] had me nodding along for about the first third of the book [a cultural critique of liberal modernity], but then where the conservative writer would call for a return to family values and moral decency, Allan Bloom takes the reader on a very different moral journey… Feel free to share thoughts or feedback in the comments here. I was made aware that my subscribe function here at TROCB might not be working. If you are interested in subscribing but get an error, send me an email at, and I’ll let you know when I have it working.